Scriptmore Blog

Scripts, inspiration, and good times

A blog for playwrights, dramatists, dramaturges and theatre enthusiasts.

Script Spotlight: Unexpected by Andrew Kooman

“Unexpected,” Andrew Kooman’s popular and highly original script about unplanned pregnancies, takes center stage in this month’s Spotlight.

Script Spotlight: Delay of Signal by J.R. Mimbs

Although set on Earth, the story focuses on seven characters locked in a biodome for a year to test and simulate potential conditions for future missions to Mars.

Comedy Play Scripts for a Good Laugh

From slapstick to satire, these comedy play scripts feature many styles and themes, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.

Script Spotlight: To Bee or Not To Bee by Tracy Wells

Tracy Wells’ ten-minute monologue is all comedy. Dressed in a full bumble bee outfit, a lone performer tells the sad-and-Shakespearean story of one actor’s star-crossed journey from New York to L.A. to a clown car to Easter Bunny envy at the mall.

Script Spotlight: The Princess and the Goblin by Abigail Fleming

First published in 1872, George MacDonald’s fantasy novel The Princess and the Goblin has been loved by children and adults ever since. The book’s themes of honor and courage; good and evil; and friendship and family have left as much impact as the strange fairytale story itself.

Choosing the Perfect Monologue for Your Audition

How can you select the ideal monologue for your audition? Here are our tips on relevance, character connection, and authenticity.

Script Spotlight: Dead Girl Walking by Dave Tippett

Discover the emotional depth of "Dead Girl Walking" by Dave Tippett in our Script Spotlight. Uncover the narrative exploring the realities of sexual abuse and trafficking through the voices of four teenage girls.

Tips for Selling Your Script

Navigating the theater industry can be daunting. With the right approach and strategic mindset, you can increase your chances of success as an aspiring writer.

Crafting Dynamic Character Arcs and Progressions

Characters are the soul of any narrative, and their growth and transformation throughout a story captivate the audience's imagination.

The Art of Crafting Dramatic Scripts

Dramatic narratives have an uncanny ability to immerse audiences in touching experiences, compelling them to laugh, cry, and reflect on the human condition.