Our Blog / Script Spotlight: The Keeper of Pigeons - A Farce in One Act by Henry P. Gravelle
Script Spotlight: The Keeper of Pigeons - A Farce in One Act by Henry P. Gravelle

What is a Keeper of Pigeons? Court page Lovett is given the unnecessary title for managing Castle Brahm’s messenger birds in exchange for keeping his mouth shut about the forbidden romance between Lord Frigg’s daughter Portia and Horace, another lowly page in the court.
That’s right; it’s a 40-minute farce. “The Keeper of Pigeons” is a ten-character lark full of castle intrigue about secret romances, arranged marriages, and how many pigeons it takes to send a quick message to the king. With straightforward sets, props, and costumes, it might make the perfect, achievable production for a middle- or high-school drama group.
Prolific writer Henry P. Gravelle loves a good farce, describing the spirit of “The Keeper of Pigeons” as Sir Galahad meets Mel Brooks. Two of his favorite Mel Brooks farces include the films “Young Frankenstein” and “Blazing Saddles.”
It’s not surprising Gravelle references the movies. In addition to writing one-act plays and numerous books, the main focus of Gravelle’s career has been on screenwriting. For three years, the Boston native wrote and directed his own films for a local, award-winning cable show called “The Playhouse Theater.” He’s written 30 short-film screenplays, as well as 14 full-length features.
One of those screenplays—a horror movie called “Bogieville”—is scheduled to release this year on streaming services worldwide. Gravel describes the month he spent in England watching the filmmakers bring his story and characters to life (and back from the dead) as a fantastic ride.

The Keeper of Pigeons - A Farce in One Act
By Henry P. GravelleLovett, a lowly court Page discovers his friend and another lowly Page in the arms of Castle Brahm's Lord Frigg's daughter, Lady Portia he is offered the newly created position of Keeper of Pigeons for his silence. Unexpectedly, the King's rude son, Prince Gilbert, arrives demanding Lady Portia's hand in marriage. The Keeper of Pigeons acts swiftly sending messages to the King by his Pigeons informing him of the Prince's demands. The angry King then commands the Prince to leave Castle Brahm. Lovett is promoted to Squire and Horace's request for Lady Portia's hand is granted by a grateful Lord Frigg.
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The Crafty One - A Comedy in One Act
By Henry P. GravelleMillie discovers Aunt Cassandra, who suffers from dementia, is also a witch who has placed a hex on her live-in boyfriend Edgar. Unfortunately, Cassandra cannot remember how to reverse it. Millie agrees to help and learns how to place a hex of her own creating unwanted results.
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Loving Jesse - A Tragic Comedy in One Act
By Henry P. GravelleA man hopes the unusual behavior of his wife is just a passing phase but begins to realize a real problem is brewing.
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The Job - A Farce
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Cries in the Night - A Drama in One Act - A Kasserine County Courthouse Series
By Henry P. GravelleIn this courtroom drama set in 1962, the trial of a Gloria McCann accused of murdering her husband brings charismatic defense counselor Danny Dobson to believe he'll secure an easy acquittal after learning his opponent is Natasha Phillips, the county's first female prosecutor, who has to prove not only Gloria's guilt but her worthiness as Women begin to make strides within the American legal scene. The audience is left to contemplate how they would find the accused after hearing the evidence and testimony. Guilty or innocent?
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Intent - A Drama in Two Acts - A Kasserine County Courthouse Series
By Henry P. GravelleIn the second of the Kasserine County Courthouse Series, defense counselor Danny Dobson has his hands full against a now gaining confidence newly appointed female prosecutor Natasha Phillips in the case of Lucca Sousa, accused of murdering brother Enzo with an ax. Was it a tragic accident as Lucca claims, or a sinister plot to rid himself of an annoying business partner? The audience is left to contemplate how they would find the accused after hearing the evidence and testimony. Guilty or innocent?
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Wink - A Farce in One Act
By Henry P. GravelleTed is about to experience the most feared requirement of dating – the first meet. Internet dating offers little to no relief from this sometimes rewarding, mostly harrowing ritual leaving Ted to discover love found unexpectedly proves best.
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The Passage
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Double Walker - A Drama
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