Scriptmore is a place for emerging playwrights to showcase their finest work to individuals, organizations and local theatres looking for new plays. Gain exposure and generate revenue from your work. Absolutely free. Plus, maintain your rights!
What is an Emerging Playwright?
Emerging playwrights are writers at various stages early in their careers, and are seeking to get more plays professionally produced. Online marketplaces like Scriptmore provide emerging playwrights the opportunity to further extend their reach beyond their local theatres as they continue to pursue writing as a bona fide passion.
Here it’s simple to be a playwright. Complete the Playwright application agreement and then submit your first script. Your script will go through our approval process to make sure it meets the needs and standards of Scriptmore.
Once approved, your scripts will be distributed on Scriptmore and will be available for licensing by theatre groups, schools, and individuals nationwide.
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Script Submission Guidelines
Before you submit a script, review the guidelines so your work has the best chance of success on Scriptmore.
Additional details:
The Scriptmore audience consists of public and private schools from K-12, colleges and universities, community theatre groups, theater troupes, and faith-based groups like churches. We are seeking scripts that would be appropriate for these audiences, including subject matter, dialogue, themes, and cultural relevance. Scripts will be evaluated on these merits and more.
Submissions must meet Scriptmore’s quality and standards. If a script fails to meet these or is deemed unworkable for any other reason, the script may be rejected. However, if we feel rewrites or adjustments can be made, authors will be notified of changes required and given the opportunity to resubmit if they so choose.
Formatting Requirements
Scripts submitted must meet basic script formatting requirements. Scripts may be submitted in the following file formats: Word, RTF, or Text file. Scripts will be stored in Scriptmore’s Script Engine for on-demand formatting for different devices or PDF generation.
Script License
Scriptmore charges the customer for a license of use for your script and to perform it. Every performance license has a base license cost and will adjust based on paid performances, venue size, and the number of performances.
Pricing and Royalties
Our current royalty rate is 50%. We understand the importance of how to sell a play script with simple pricing. Scriptmore has standard licensing pricing that will be applied to your script based on length or materials included with your script. We believe the quality of scripts on Scriptmore deserves to be priced accordingly. If discounts are ever offered on one of your scripts, those discounts will not impact a playwright’s royalties. Because the script is under a licensing agreement, it may be licensed elsewhere if the author chooses.
Pay Out Schedule
Authors will currently be paid on a quarterly basis.
Submission Guidelines
Be sure to read our submission guidelines before submitting a script.