Playwright Agreement

Thank you for your interest in becoming a ScriptMore playwright and joining our growing script marketplace. To get started, complete the following playwright agreement. This process will also create your ScriptMore account. Once you are logged into your ScriptMore account, you will be able to submit scripts for distribution.

Playwright Agreement

The purpose of this contract is to establish terms, conditions, and payment of royalties for digitally downloadable and distributed products. Digital downloadable products include scripts (hereafter known as WORK) distributed by ScriptMore, (hereafter known as the “DISTRIBUTOR”) on behalf of you, the PLAYWRIGHT.

This contract is specifically an agreement between DISTRIBUTOR and PLAYWRIGHT for the non-exclusive distribution of WORK submitted to DISTRIBUTOR. This contract shall be in effect for WORK previously submitted to DISTRIBUTOR as well as future WORK. PLAYWRIGHT acknowledges in addition to DISTRIBUTOR’S site, DISTRIBUTOR will advertise WORK for sale on affiliate and third party sites.

Pricing of WORK will be determined by DISTRIBUTOR, including retail, sale, special and other promotional pricing. All royalties will be paid on the net amount received from the sale of WORK. All Sales of WORK are subject to DISTRIBUTOR'S Terms of Use for customers.

DISTRIBUTOR will manage, promote, and update WORK on behalf of PLAYWRIGHT. PLAYWRIGHT understands WORK may be chosen to be a part of a special promotion in which their WORK will be offered at a reduced price.

Payment of royalties will be paid to PLAYWRIGHT on a quarterly basis reflecting the net revenue generated in the prior three month’s sales.

The royalty rate paid to PLAYWRIGHT shall be fifty percent (50%) of net sales received from all channels, including affiliate and third party sites.

PLAYWRIGHT shall maintain complete ownership of WORK and may request its removal from this Agreement at any time.

PLAYWRIGHT acknowledges and attests to the following:

  1. PLAYWRIGHT is the sole creator and owner of WORK and have not previously assigned, pledged or otherwise encumbered WORK.
  2. WORK does not violate the copyright of any other party, whether statutory or common law.
  3. WORK does not violate any right to privacy, contain libelous, obscene or otherwise unlawful content, contain no known factual inaccuracies, and contain no recipe, formula or other instruction, which is or may be injurious to the user.
  4. PLAYWRIGHT agrees to secure all necessary rights and permissions for any applicable content within WORK.
  5. PLAYWRIGHT attests to have full power and authority to enter into this Contract.

Should WORK be found to be non-compliant in regards to any of these acknowledgments, this contract will be subject to immediate dissolution and the distribution relationship between DISTRIBUTOR and PLAYWRIGHT will end. WORK will be removed from all sales channels immediately.

Must be 18 years or older.

Payout Details

We like to keep things easy and to do that, we'd like to pay you your commissions via PayPal. Please enter the email address or phone number associated with your PayPal account.

Payments by Check

If you prefer to not use your PayPal account for commission payments, please provide your mailing address for checks to be sent.