Scripts, inspiration, and good times
A blog for playwrights, dramatists, dramaturges and theatre enthusiasts.
Script Spotlight: The Storekeeper by David Beshears
David Bashears’ play The Storekeeper brings a Twilight Zone-inspired mystery to the stage, following a group of strangers who arrive at a remote general store with no memory of how they got there. Originally written as a novella, Bashears adapted it for theater, emphasizing eerie atmosphere, dynamic dialogue, and suspenseful storytelling. With its moody setting and unanswered questions, The Storekeeper keeps audiences guessing until the very last moment.
Comedy Play Scripts for a Good Laugh
From slapstick to satire, these comedy play scripts feature many styles and themes, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.
Script Spotlight: Rainbow Valley by Graham Donahue
Little House on the Prairie. Anne of Green Gables. The Waltons. They don’t make many warm-hearted, period-piece family dramas like those any more, but Virginia playwright Graham Donahue thinks there’s still a place for them on modern stages. “Rainbow Valley,” now available on Scriptmore, makes a good case for that.
Script Spotlight: First Dates by Tyler Leavitt
In our latest blog, Tyler shares insights from his 30 years of playwriting, his experience directing over 100 productions, and the inspiration behind First Dates.
20-Minute Scripts for Middle School Drama Teachers
Middle school drama teachers know that finding the right scripts for their specific group can take up large chunks of time. We are here to help with that!
Script Spotlight: Mr. Pim Passes By by Allison Kuznia
This month’s spotlight focuses on a play originally written by A.A. Milne, author of the beloved Winnie the Pooh series of books. Allison Kuznia has adapted Milne’s 1919 play, Mr. Pim Passes By, shortening the comedy of manners into a tight 60-minute script for six talented actors.
Scriptmore Blog: Books for Playwrights
No matter how many plays you have written or how long you’ve been writing, we can always get better at our craft. One way to do that is to read and study great books about playwriting from the experts. We recently had a great discussion on the Scriptmore Facebook group about the best books for playwrights. Our community members offered so many good recommendations that we decided to collect them all in one place and share them on the blog. Check out the books below to find one that’s new to you—and feel free to contact us with more recommendations if you have a favorite!
One-Act Plays With Short and Impactful Scripts
Discover the richness of storytelling in a condensed form, where every line resonates, and every scene leaves a lasting impression. Our handpicked one-act plays promise to engage, provoke, and linger in your thoughts.
Adapting Play Scripts for Different Age Groups
When adapting acting scripts for kids, teens, and adults, how do we navigate challenges while creating an engaging and age-appropriate theatrical experience?
Multicultural Scripts With Diverse Representation
Embracing multiculturalism and celebrating the rich tapestry of scripts from various cultures can provide a unique and enriching experience for both artists and audiences alike.